
One of the first sounds that emerged from the silence of the absolute, (the field of Pure Potentiality), was the universe’s sound “OM” or more accurately “AUM,” according to the Ancient Vedas or ancient Hindu scriptures. The Bible and modern science agree that the initial spark of creation came from sound or vibration. In the Gospel, according to John, it says, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God … and the Word was made flesh.” Substitute “Word” with “Sound,” and it becomes, “In the beginning was the Sound and the Sound was God … and the Sound became manifest.” Modern science references the Big Bang Theory, again implying sound. It’s this original, primordial sound that diversified: “The One became many.” Each separate vibration evolved to reflect the whole in infinite disguises, giving rise to the world we now live in. Universes within universes, each vibrating at their own frequency, interacted with every other frequency to produce the variety of life. Every organ, tissue, and cell has its own vibration which, when in harmony, creates the most beautiful divine symphony imaginable; the human body. If disharmony arises or a break in the unfolding of the vibration occurs, dis-ease can develop. Sound has been used since the beginning of time to create certain moods in the listener. Different sounds affect people in different ways. Fingernails scraping on a chalkboard elicit a very different reaction than a violin playing a beautiful song. Shamanic drumming can create a trance-like state, marching bands are used to fire-up a sports team and their fans, and a mother’s lullaby soothes a crying child. The different ragas of Indian classical music are attuned to different times of the day or different seasons to harmonize the listener with the rhythms of nature. With the right sounds, you can align yourself with the vibrations that increase health, happiness, unity and complete wellness.
-Nada Yoga In the Vedic tradition, sound vibration is known as Nada. In the practice of Nada Yoga, a sound is used not only to restore physical and mental well-being but also as a path to spiritual awakening. Nada Yoga divides sound into external sounds, called Ahata and internal sounds or Anahata. External sounds are perceived through the ears and Nada Yoga can be as simple as listening to non-vocal music while gently focusing on the individual notes. You can listen to the different notes within the music of nature—birds singing, rain falling, or the wind through the trees. Or you can chant sacred mantras such as OM or AHUM (I am), with the focus on each individual letter. The aim is to allow awareness to move inwards. Internal sounds are perceived through the Anahata (heart) chakra. Each human body has its own unique sound or vibration, which is sacred to that individual. By regulating the breath, with the attention turned inwards, and closing the ears with the fingers, you can begin to listen in to your own inner sound. Re-aligning with this sound serves to balance your energetic body and ultimately re-connect you with your divine presence. With practice, you can learn to hear the vibration of the universe, a soft distant OM, sometimes referred to as the Cosmic Hum. Through Nada Yoga, it is said that you can remove all impurities in the body. It starts by awakening the inner fire through the use of Bhramari Pranayama or humming bee breath.
-Humming Bee Breath Sit comfortably with your spine erect and close your eyes. Close your ears with either your index or middle fingers. Lightly press your lips together and slightly open your teeth. Bring the inner gaze into the Ajna (sixth) chakra. Breathe in through your nose. On the exhale, make a smooth, even, humming sound, like the sound of a bumblebee. Continue for 3 to 5 minutes feeling the vibration throughout the body.
-Levels of Sound The Vedas recognize four stages of the manifestation of sound. The simplest form of sound, Vaikhari is normally audible sound, including speech. Madhyama, is more subtle, a whispered sound with no audible effect As you move within, you experience Pashyanti. These are mental sounds such as songs in the head or a dream. It is also the visualization of sounds such as silently listening to your thoughts or the silent repetition of a mantra. Finally, you reach Para or transcendental sound. This is pre-manifest sound in its subtlest state as light or pure silence. This is the root or potential of all sounds, sometimes referred to as the “unstruck sound.”
-Try This Begin by repeating the mantra “OM,” or any other mantra of your choosing, out loud. Continue repeating it more softly Decrease the volume to a whisper Now continue repeating it silently, without moving your lips or tongue Allow the sound to take your awareness into silence, the field of infinite possibilities If your mind wanders, come back to the silent repetition of “OM.” Continue for 10 to 15 minutes.
-Chanting has been used in all cultures for thousands of years to uplift the spirit and activate certain archetypal energies within the self. Choose a simple repetitive chant, one that you can learn easily so you’re not always trying to remember it. It can be from any tradition but it should be one you feel comfortable with.
-Chant OM Take a deep breath in. On the exhale, chant the sound OM. When you run out of breath, breathe in and repeat the chant. Continue at your own pace for 2 to 3 minutes. Chant A-U-M Take a deep breath in as you exhale. In the same breath chant, Aaa-Uuu-Mmm Feel the “Aaa” sound in your belly, “Uuu” in your chest area, and “Mmm” in your head Breathe in again and continue at your own pace for 2-3 minutes. When you chant, you raise the vibration of the whole physiology. Whenever you chant, chant fully. Open your heart, open your throat, chant with your whole body; lose yourself to the chant. Ultimately you are chanting to our own soul—the divinity within you.


“I want to sing like the birds, not caring who listens or what they think.” This is how you should chant.
-A Bengali Poem Rumi said



With a cheerful, smiling face chant the sweet name of God until you feel the nectar overflow in your heart. Drink of it ceaselessly and share it with everyone! If ever your heart runs dry, parched by the flames of worldly desire, chant the sweet name of God, and heavenly love will moisten your arid soul.
-Toning As everything in the universe is sound or vibration, a disharmony in one of those sounds or a break in the unfolding of the sequence of sounds, leads to discomfort, disease, and a loss of wholeness. For example, if one musician in an orchestra is playing off-key, there is a loss of harmony in the whole piece of music. That can be corrected by having a second musician stand next to the first one and play the right notes. Just by hearing the right notes, the first musician will automatically start to play correctly. Similarly, if there is disharmony in your physiology, and you know the correct vibration for that area, you can begin to correct the imbalance by chanting or toning that sound. For example, if you have a problem with your vision, and you know the sound relating to the eyes, you can activate the healing process for that area by chanting that sound (silently or aloud) and directing the vibration into the area of the eyes.
Examples of Toning Sounds for the Body Mmm sinuses Nnn ears Eemm eyes Lmm nose Paam stomach Kaa Gaa Gha throat Yaa Yu Yi jaw Haa diaphragm Mam reproductive organs Ma heart Sssss Lungs and large intestine Shhh Liver and small intestine Wooo Kidneys and bladder UU-


AH-EE-MM Energizing, wake up MM-EE-AH-UU Relaxing, bedtime The vowel sounds Ahaa, Eee, Eye, Ooo, Uuu are non-local or non-specific. If you don’t know the sound for an area of the body, you can chant any of the vowel sounds and direct its vibration into that area.
-Chakras 1st Chakra, base of the spine LAAM 2nd Chakra, sacral area VAAM 3rd Chakra, navel area RAAM 4th Chakra, heart area YAAM 5th Chakra, throat area HAAM 6th Chakra, between eyebrows KSHAAM 7th Chakra, crown (top) of head OM
-Bells, Gongs, and Bowls Bells, gongs, or bowls that have a clear ring when struck can be used for balancing and clearing energy. Unless a metal bell, gong, or bowl has been tuned to a specific frequency, they are only used for general purposes. To clear the body’s energetic field, strike the instrument and circle it clockwise around the body, move it up and down the limbs, move up upwards along the front of the spine. To clear a room or home, play the instrument while standing in the center of the space or move around the edges of the space in a clockwise direction, striking/ringing the instrument. Crystal bowls are manufactured to specific vibrations, usually to the vibration of one of the chakras. They can be used for general balancing and clearing as described above or played in front of the specific chakra, with your attention on that chakra.
-Mantras There are mantras for just about anything you can imagine. There are mantras to restore health, bring wealth, change the weather, remove problems, cure snake bites, welcome a new baby, and create peaceful coexistence, to mention a few. The Chopra Center offers classes in Primordial Sound Meditation, where students receive a mantra that relates to the sound or vibration of the universe at the time of their birth. Silently repeating this sound draws the awareness inwards to transcend the external world and merge with the non-local value of existence that was there at birth. This reconnects you with your true self, an infinite, immortal field of pure consciousness. You can learn your personal mantra from any Chopra-certified Primordial Sound Meditation instructor. In the Vedic tradition of India, mantras are often associated with a particular deity and by chanting the mantra you activate the archetypal energies associated with that deity. It is important to remember that the deities are really a projection of your true self. By chanting these mantras, you are simply activating the energies already lying dormant within you. Perhaps the best known of the deity mantras is … OM NAMAH SHIVAYA Lord Shiva is considered to be the first yogi and this mantra activates the pure silence, awareness, and potentiality within you. There are too many to list them all but here two other important mantras.
-Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra This great Shiva mantra is used to prevent untimely death, poor health, fear, sorrow, and depression. It helps to create universal peace, gives energy, removes ignorance, destroys anger, selfishness, and vengeful thoughts. Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanat Mrtyor Mukshiya Mamrtat.
-Gayatri Mantra It is said that all sickness is really homesickness. For those on a spiritual journey, the cure is to return home to your true self. After eons of wandering, you remember that you are and always have been an enlightened being. The Gayatri mantra is for enlightenment.
Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat There are many recordings of these mantras, which can help you learn them. Play, chant, listen, meditate, be open to the great silence, and enjoy the blessings of the magnificent, eternal symphony that surrounds you. – Om Tat Sat


“Bija Mantras For Healing and Well Being”

By John Beaulieu

Bija mantras are spoken, sung, whispered, and inwardly contemplated sounds used to balance life energy and increase consciousness. Bija is a Sanskrit word meaning seed or seed of sound. Bija mantras were discovered thousands of years ago by recluses sitting in deep meditation in the mountain caves and rainforests of the Far East. Meditating in the solitude of nature, they perceived and listened to “thoughts” of sounds arising from profound inner silence. They called these thought sounds bijas because, in their experience, they were fundamental to all life.

The nature recluses associated the bija sounds with the five transcendental elements – Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. The bijas are traditionally represented as seeds on the lotus petals of the spinal chakras. The word chakra means spinning wheel of sound or center of tone. The following diagram shows the bija sounds written on the lotus petals of the chakras and the relationship between each chakra and element.

Although the bija sounds were written in Sanskrit letters, they do not belong to any language and cannot be understood in the context of normal communication. Bija sounds are similar to the sounds made by musical instruments. Imagine the chakras as a keyboard and the bija sounds as notes. When we are “in tune” the bijas sound in harmony to create the music of life. When the bija sounds are correctly combined as bija mantras they activate different qualities of elemental energies. When these energies are correctly balanced with our needs they flow through us to create an inner environment of optimal health and well-being.

The principle of how a bija mantra is pronounced is easy to understand. We use sounds like aha, ummm, mmmmmmmmmm, aaah, and ssh to communicate everyday inner experiences. Aha, which is a combination of the sounds “a” and “ha”, is always pronounced differently because it expresses a unique inner experience. In a similar way bija mantras have a pronunciation; however, the pronunciation will always change in resonance with the consciousness of the person sounding it. Imagine every time the expression “aha” is pronounced, it is exactly the same. The pronunciation may be correct; however, its connection with experience is absent. The following chart of bija sounds gives an “idea” of bija pronunciations used in Cave Of Whispers. It is useful as long as one remembers that the actual pronunciations will change based on the flow of elemental energy.




The Bija sounds and the elements




EARTH (4) va – sah (sah) – sa (say) – sa (shaw) Qualities: organization, structure, patience, safety, security, personal boundaries, skeletal system, lower back specific, colon, slow movement pattern.


WATER (6) ba – bha – ma – ya – ra – la Qualities: flow, creativity, bonding/relationship, sensuality/touch, feelings, attachment, sexuality, rhythmic flowing voice.


FIRE (10) da – dah – na – ta – tha – da (day) – dha (dhay) – na (nay) – pa – pha Qualities: action, motivation, enthusiasm, vision, ideas, appetite, digestion, metabolism, sharp clear staccato voice.


AIR (12) gam – kham – gham – nam – cam – cham – jam – jham – nam (am) – tam – tham – kam Qualities: quick thinking, multitasking, problem-solving, desire, nervous system, light-fast voice.


ETHER (16) m (om) – o – r (rattle) – u (you) – e – c (ch) – a – i – j (jar) – ai – s (ss) – u (uh) – a (ah) – s (sh) – h (house) – au Qualities: space, expression, openness, spirituality, silence, letting go, joint mobility, open resonate voice.


A bija mantra is created by combining two or more bija sounds. Each bija sound activates a specific element quality. For example, the bija “va” resonates with the Earth chakra and the bija “e” resonates with the Ether chakra. When combined, they create the bija mantra “e va” which resonates Ether and Earth. To better understand how a bija mantra works, imagine the effects different environments have on our minds and bodies. For example, when people are suffering from allergies and asthma, they often times leave their cold damp environment (Earth and Water) and travel to Arizona where the climate is dry and hot (Fire and Air). The same principal holds true for bija mantras. When a bija mantra is in resonance with the elements you need, it creates a field of vibration that has the potential to change mental, emotional, and physical patterns.




Bija Mantra Healing Research




Early research, beginning in the 1970’s, focused on the effects of bija mantras used during transcendental meditation. These studies demonstrated that bija mantras can effect positive changes in blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, and immune response, while also slowing down the heart rate. In general, the daily practice of meditating with bija mantras promoted a greater ability to adapt to stress through increased relaxation. Researchers began looking at the ability of bija mantra meditation to stimulate nitric oxide in the year 2000. Nitric oxide (NO) is created within heart, nerve, and immune cells released as a gas. The American team of scientists who discovered the effects of NO release on cardiovascular tissue won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1998. Nitric oxide research on meditation demonstrates that meditating with a bija mantra, as instructed in this CD, will both promote and enhance the rhythmic release of NO. Some of the benefits of NO release include: Enhanced cell vitality /anti-aging Stabilized body metabolism /weight control Enhanced vascular flow / reduction of free radicals Increased ability to fight infections / antibacterial Increased ability to fight viruses / anti-viral Increased levels of energy and stamina/stress reduction Increased cerebral blood flow / enhanced memory Detoxification of digestive track / enhanced digestion Greater sense of well-being/antidepressant For more information on nitric oxide and sound healing, I recommend reading our research paper: Sound Therapy Induced Relaxation: Down-Regulating Stress Processes and Pathologies and/or read my e-booklet, The Rhythm of Nitric Oxide How A Tiny Little Molecule Determines Your Overall Health.



I dedicate Cave of Whispers to

Sathya Sai Baba




I went to India in 1978 to visit Sathya Sai Baba. While staying at his ashram I came down with a high fever. My only relief was to sit under the palm trees during evening darshan listening to thousands of birds chirping to the sound of devotees singing bhajans. My fever went down listening to sacred sounds and birds chirping. One evening the birds did not come. I was very skeptical about Sai Baba and the claims that he was an avatar or high spiritual being. I thought to myself, “Sai Baba if you are an avatar, as they say, you will come out here right now and call the birds.” To my surprise, he walked out of the temple at that moment, looked around, and moved his right hand in small circles and whispered mantras. Simultaneously, birds appeared from everywhere and perched in the palm trees around the temple. They chirped so loud I could not hear the people singing inside the temple. Sai Baba looked me in the eye and made a gesture with his hand telling me to look up. I was caught between my skeptical mind and the unfolding events of the moment. I started thinking, “This may be my time to surrender and let go.” I closed my eyes, and I tilted my head back against the palm tree. Exactly at that moment, a bird pooped on my third eye in the middle of my forehead. Sai Baba smiled as the warm bird poop flowed across my forehead. I will never forget his big smile as he turned around and walked into the temple. My fever went away, and the birds continued to sing. This is the closest I have ever been to enlightenment. The memory of bird poop on my third eye always reminds me to be humble and that “enlightenment” is earned through meeting life challenges with humility as part of the process of living.

Sadhguru on Mantras

Sadhguru: Mantra means a sound, a certain utterance or a syllable. Today, modern science sees the whole existence as reverberations of energy, different levels of vibrations. Where there is a vibration, there is bound to be a sound, right? That means, our whole existence is a kind of sound or a complex union of sounds – the whole existence is blended of multiple mantras. Of these, a few mantras or a few sounds have been identified, which could be like keys. If you use them in a certain way, they become a key to unlocking a different dimension of life and experience within you, allowing for transformation. A mantra is not something that you utter. It is something that you strive to become because unless you become the key, existence will not open up for you. Becoming the mantra means you are becoming the key. Only by becoming the key can you open the lock to your self-realization.
Mantras can be an extremely good preparatory step. Just one mantra can do tremendous things for people. They can be an effective force in creating something but only if they come from that kind of a source where there is a complete understanding that of all is sound. “All is sound” refers to creation itself. If a mantra comes from that kind of source, with that level of understanding and when the transmission is pure, then mantras can be an effective force.






There are different types of mantras and every mantra activates a particular kind of energy in a different part of the body. Without that necessary awareness, just repeating the sound only brings dullness to the mind. Any repetition of the sound always makes your mind dull. When it is done with proper awareness, with the exact understanding of what it is, a mantra is a very powerful means. As a science, it is incredibly powerful, but if it is imparted without the necessary basis and without creating the necessary situations, it can cause considerable damage because it is a subjective science. People have caused damage to themselves by the improper utterance of something as common as Gayatri mantra.





Mantras always come from a Sanskrit basis, and the basic aspects of Sanskrit language are very sound sensitive. But when different people speak, each one says it in their own way. If the Bengalis say a mantra, they will say it in their own way. If the Tamil people say it, they say it in their way. If Americans say it, they will say it in a completely different way. Different people who speak different languages, according to what language they have been used to, tend to distort the sound of various mantras, unless they receive real training. Such training is too exhaustive and most people do not have that kind of patience or dedication.






The Sanskrit language is a device, not necessarily a medium of communication. Most of the other languages were created because we had to refer to something. Initially, they started with just a handful of words and then multiplied into much more complex forms. But Sanskrit is a discovered language. Today we know that if you feed any sound into an oscilloscope, every sound has a form attached to it and vice versa. Every form in the existence is reverberating in a certain way and creates a certain sound.
When you utter a sound, a form is being created. There is a whole science of using sounds in a certain way so that it creates the right kind of form. This is known as Nada Yoga, the yoga of sound. If you have mastery over the sound you also have mastery over the form that is attached to it. That is a reality.
This happened to me as a child: I would be staring at someone who would be talking. Initially, I heard their words. Then, just the sounds. After some time, I just saw some wild patterns happening around them which amazed and amused me so much that I could just sit staring at them forever, and not understand a single word because I was not listening to the words at all.
Sanskrit is one language where form and sound are connected. In English for example, if you say “sun” or “son,” in utterance it is the same, only in spelling is it different. What you write is not the criteria. The sound is the important criteria here. When you realize that sound is attached to a particular form, you give this sound the name for that form. Now the sound and the form are connected. If you utter the sound, you are relating to the form – not just psychologically, but existentially, you are connecting with the form. Sanskrit is like a blueprint of the existence. What is in form, we converted into sound. A lot of distortions have happened in translation over time. How to preserve it in its right form has become a challenge even today since the necessary knowledge, understanding, and awareness is largely missing.






That is the reason why when Sanskrit is taught, it is learned by writing it. People just chant the language endlessly. It doesn’t matter whether you know the meaning or not. The sound is important, not the meaning. Meanings are made up in your mind. It is the sound and the form which is connecting. Are you connecting or not? That is the question. That is why it has become the mother of almost all Indian and European languages, except Tamil. Tamil did not come from Sanskrit. It developed independently. All the other Indian languages and almost all European languages have their origin in Sanskrit.






Music is an arrangement of sounds to generate a certain quality, like water flowing. A mantra is not that beautiful aesthetically but it is a much more effective sound. Try this: Sounds of Isha has released a CD called Vairagya, which has five mantras: Nirvana Shatakam, Guru Paduka Stotram, Brahmananda Swarupa, Aum Namah Shivaya, and Shambho (“the auspicious one”). This was released with a specific purpose. Listen to the CD over and over a few times, listening to each one of the mantras – each one runs for ten minutes. From there figure out which mantra really draws you. It’s not about choosing a mantra like: “Oh, I enjoy this mantra. What have other people chosen? Okay, let me also choose that.” Just listen and listen. When you feel that one of them is really grabbing you, just go with that particular one. Listen to it all the time – in your car, in your home, on your devices, everywhere. There are also one-hour versions of each of these. Simply keep them playing for as long as you can.
After a while, it will become a part of your system it will set a certain ambiance for you. The mantra is not consciousness but mantra sets the right kind of ambiance. A sound will set the right kind of ambiance within this physiological, psychological framework as well as the atmosphere.
“Nada” means “sound.” “Brahma” means “Divine,” the All. Fundamentally, there are three sounds in the existence. Any given sound can be created out of these three sounds. If you know something about a color television, there are only three color pixels. Given these three color pixels, any number of colors can be created. Similarly, given these three sounds, any number of sounds can be created. You can see this with a simple experiment. Without the use of the tongue, there are only three sounds you can utter: “aaa”, “ouuu”, and “mmm”. Even if you cut off your tongue, you can still utter these three sounds. For any other sound, you need the use of the tongue. You are using the tongue only to mix these three sounds in many ways to produce all the other sounds. There are so many millions of sounds you can create with your mouth, but a person who is mute can only say “aaa”, “ouuu”, and “mmm”. He cannot say anything else because he is not able to use his tongue.






If you utter these three sounds together, what do you get? AUM. AUM is not some religion’s trademark. It is the fundamental sound in the existence. It is said that Shiva can create a whole new existence just by uttering three AUMs. This is not a fact, but it is a truth. It is not that Shiva is sitting somewhere and uttering AUMs. That is not the point. What it means is that everything is just a vibration.
There are many ways to look at this. Years ago, I used to travel alone for a month or two every year in the Himalayas, and I happened to go to Kedarnath. Kedar is a very powerful and wonderful place. Above Kedar, there is a place called Kanti Sarovar, where people don’t generally go because it’s hard to reach. I trekked up to Kanti Sarovar and sat on one of the rocks there.
It is very difficult to put this into words, but after some time, everything turned into sound in my experience. My body, the mountain, the lake in front of me, everything had become sound. It had taken on sound form and was just going on in me in a completely different way. My mouth was closed – I am very clear about that – but my own voice was going on loudly, as if I had a microphone, singing a song, and it was in Sanskrit.



Nada Brahma Vishwaswaroopa
Nada Hi Sakala Jeevaroopa
Nada Hi Karma Nada Hi Dharma
Nada Hi Bandhana Nada Hi Mukti
Nada Hi Shankara Nada Hi Shakti
Nadam Nadam Sarvam Nadam
Nadam Nadam Nadam Nadam


Translation: Sound is Brahman, the manifestation of the universe, sound manifests itself in the form of all life, sound is bondage, sound is the means for liberation, sound is that which binds, sound is that which liberates, sound is the bestower of all, sound is the power behind everything, sound is everything.
If you just give yourself to that song, there is a kind of power to it. It has a power to dissolve a person if you surrender.


“Vairagya” literally means “transparent.” Just as clear flowing water in the river acquires the color of the soil beneath, one who is transparent has no color of his own. A color is a product of the breaking up of light, the basis of our ability to see. Vairagya is an unbroken or “free-of-all-distortion” state that can light the world. It is only in a state of vairagya one can see as It Is.
Essentially, vairagya means to be as the Creator intended – not bound to any particular aspect of life, the only bond with the Beyond, the source of Creation. Vairagya is the second album in Sounds of Isha’s “Mantra Series” and consists of chants-4 sung by Isha Brahmacharis.

Vairagya consists of five chants, each with its own unique hue. First, the Nirvana Shatakam is an outstanding composition by Adi Shankara, embodying the essence of vairagya. This chant is regarded as synonymous with the path of brahmacharya. The Guru Paduka Stotram is a devotional tribute in gratitude and praise of the sandals of the Guru. Brahmananda Swarupa (“the image of the Creator’s ecstasy”) is a consecrated mantra that can be chanted throughout the day to connect to Sadhguru’s energy and Grace. Aum Namah Shivaya, known as the “Maha Mantra” is a very powerful arrangement of sounds which form an integral part of a Brahmachari’s sadhana. It is also the highlight of the Mahashivaratri meditations at Isha Yoga Center. Shambho (“the auspicious one”) is a very gentle and beautiful manifestation of Shiva who readily responds to those who call upon Him.
In order to make these songs available to as many people as possible, we have decided not to fix any price for this download. You decide what you want to contribute.


“Vairagya” literally means “transparent.” Just as clear flowing water in the river acquires the color of the soil beneath, one who is transparent has no color of his own. Color is a product of the breaking up of light, the basis of our ability to see. Vairagya is an unbroken or “free-of-all-distortion” state that can light the world. It is only in a state of vairagya one can see as It Is.

Essentially, vairagya means to be as the Creator intended – not bound to any particular aspect of life, the only bond with the Beyond, the source of Creation. Vairagya is the second album in Sounds of Isha’s “Mantra Series,” and consists of chants-4 sung by Isha Brahmacharis.


Vairagya consists of five chants, each with its own unique hue. First, the Nirvana Shatakam is an outstanding composition by Adi Shankara, embodying the essence of vairagya. This chant is regarded as synonymous with the path of brahmacharya. The Guru Paduka Stotram is a devotional tribute in gratitude and praise of the sandals of the Guru. Brahmananda Swarupa (“the image of the Creator’s ecstasy”) is a consecrated mantra which one can chant throughout the day to connect to Sadhguru’s energy and Grace. Aum Namah Shivaya, known as the “Maha Mantra” is a very powerful arrangement of sounds which forms an integral part of a Brahmachari’s sadhana. It is also the highlight of the Mahashivaratri meditations at Isha Yoga Center. Shambho (“the auspicious one”) is a very gentle and beautiful manifestation of Shiva who readily responds to those who call upon Him.

In order to make these songs available to as many people as possible, we have decided not to fix any price for this download. You decide what you want to contribute.






Mantras and their lyrics to follow

Nirvana Shatakam

mano buddhi ahankara chittani naaham

na cha shrotravjihve na cha ghraana netre

na cha vyoma bhumir na tejo na vaayuhu

chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham


I am not the mind, the intellect, the ego or the memory,

I am not the ears, the skin, the nose or the eyes,

I am not space, not earth, not fire, water or wind,

I am the form of consciousness and bliss,

I am the eternal Shiva…


na cha prana sangyo na vai pancha vayuhu

na va sapta dhatur na va pancha koshah

na vak pani-padam na chopastha payu

chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham


I am not the breath, nor the five elements,

I am not matter, nor the 5 sheaths of consciousness

Nor am I the speech, the hands, or the feet,

I am the form of consciousness and bliss,

I am the eternal Shiva…


na me dvesha ragau na me lobha mohau

na me vai mado naiva matsarya bhavaha

na dharmo na chartho na kamo na mokshaha

chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham


There is no like or dislike in me, no greed or delusion,

I know not pride or jealousy,

I have no duty, no desire for wealth, lust or liberation,

I am the form of consciousness and bliss,

I am the eternal Shiva…


na punyam na papam na saukhyam na duhkham

na mantro na tirtham na veda na yajnah

aham bhojanam naiva bhojyam na bhokta

chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham


No virtue or vice, no pleasure or pain,

I need no mantras, no pilgrimage, no scriptures or rituals,

I am not the experienced, nor the experience itself,

I am the form of consciousness and bliss,

I am the eternal Shiva…


na me mrtyu shanka na mejati bhedaha

pita naiva me naiva mataa na janmaha

na bandhur na mitram gurur naiva shishyaha

chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham


I have no fear of death, no caste or creed,

I have no father, no mother, for I was never born,

I am not a relative, nor a friend, nor a teacher nor a student,

I am the form of consciousness and bliss,

I am the eternal Shiva…


aham nirvikalpo nirakara rupo

vibhut vatcha sarvatra sarvendriyanam

na cha sangatham naiva muktir na meyaha

chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham


I am devoid of duality, my form is formlessness,

I exist everywhere, pervading all senses,

I am neither attached, neither free nor captive,

I am the form of consciousness and bliss,

I am the eternal Shiva…

Guru Paduka Stotram

Anantha samsara samudhra thara naukayithabhyam guru bhakthithabhyam,

Vairagya samrajyadha poojanabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.


Salutations and Salutations to the sandals of my Guru,
Which is a boat, which helps me,cross the endless ocean of life,
Which endows me, with the sense of devotion to my Guru,
And by worship of which, I attain the dominion of renunciation



Kavithva varahsini sagarabhyam, dourbhagya davambudha malikabhyam,

Dhoorikrutha namra vipathithabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.


Salutations and Salutations to the sandals of my Guru,
Which is the ocean of knowledge, resembling the full moon,
Which is the water, which puts out the fire of misfortunes,
And which removes distresses of those who prostrate before it.


Natha yayo sripatitam samiyu kadachidapyashu daridra varya,

Mookascha vachaspathitham hi thabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.


Salutations and Salutations to the sandals of my Guru,
Which make those who prostrate before it,
Possessors of great wealth, even if they are very poor,,
And which makes even dumb people in to great orators.



Naleeka neekasa pada hrithabhyam, nana vimohadhi nivarikabyam,

Nama janabheeshtathathi pradhabhyam namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.


Salutations and Salutations to the sandals of my Guru,
Which attracts us, to lotus like feet of our Guru,
Which cures us, of the unwanted desires,
And which helps fulfill the desires of those who salute.



Nrupali mouleebraja rathna kanthi saridvi raja jjashakanyakabhyam,

Nrupadvadhabhyam nathaloka pankhthe, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.


Salutations and Salutations to the sandals of my Guru,
Which shine like gems on the crown of a king,
Which shine like a maid in the crocodile infested stream,
And which make the devotees attain the status of a king.



Papandhakara arka paramparabhyam, thapathryaheendra khageswarabhyam,

Jadyabdhi samsoshana vadawabhyam namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.


Salutations and Salutations to the sandals of my Guru,
Which is like a series of Suns, driving away the dark sins,
Which is like the king of eagles, driving away the cobra of miseries,
And which is like a terrific fire drying away the ocean of ignorance.



Shamadhi shatka pradha vaibhavabhyam, Samadhi dhana vratha deeksithabhyam,

Ramadhavangri sthira bhakthidabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.


Salutations and Salutations to the sandals of my Guru,
Which endows us, with the glorious six qualities like sham,
Which gives the students ,the ability to go in to eternal trance,
And which helps to get perennial devotion to the feet of Vishnu.



Swarchaparana makhileshtathabhyam, swaha sahayaksha durndarabhyam,

Swanthacha bhava pradha poojanabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.


Salutations and Salutations to the sandals of my Guru
Which bestows all desires of the serving disciples,
Who are ever involved in carrying the burden of service
And which helps the aspirants to the state of realization.



Kaamadhi sarpa vraja garudabhyam, viveka vairagya nidhi pradhabhyam,

Bhodha pradhabhyam drutha mokshathabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.


Salutations and Salutations to the sandals of my Guru
Which is the Garuda,which drives away the serpent of passion,
Which provides one, with the treasure of wisdom and renunciation,
Which blesses one,with enlightened knowledge,
And blesses the aspirant with speedy salvation.


Brahmananda Swarupa

Brahmananda Swarupa Isha Jagadisha

Akhilananda Swarupa Isha Mahesha



Swaroopa means the reflection of that. 

Brahmananda means ultimate joy ultimate bliss.So the combination of the two is interpreted the image of ultimate blissfulness. 

Isa means that which rules.

Jagadisha meaning is interpreted as saying that in an enforcing sort of way, like really meaning it.

Jaga means means existence, Jaga-disha together means the one who rules the existence is ultimate blissfulness.Said in a different way. Akhilananda Swaropa, Akhila means everything ( all inclusiveness} Mahesha is that which is everything, Mahesha means an suspicious ruler like Shiva.

Aum namah Shivaya

Om  Namah Shivaya


Om- Before there was a universe, there was a vibrationless void of pure existence. Out of this void came the vibration which started the universe, which is known as Om.
Namah- This literally translate to bow.
Shivaya- This, of course, Shiva; but more than that, it means the inner self.




Shambho relates to the auspicious one in other words conductive to success.

Brahma means Divine and nada means sound so together it means divine sound.the ALL.

Primordial Sound Meditation by Prabha Duneja




Prabha Duneja, founder, and president of the Geeta Society is also an active member of the Women’s Federation for World Peace, and the United Nations Association USA. She is also the chairwoman of the Women’s Interfaith Circle of Service/CC-URI. Mrs. Duneja is a recipient of the Global Citizen award, given by UNA-USA East Bay, for her tireless efforts on behalf of schools and orphanages in India and Mozambique. She travels extensively and is a frequent speaker at the Commonwealth Club San Francisco, the Parliament of World’s Religions, schools, universities, temples, churches, mosques, yoga retreats, and religious conferences.
Mrs. Duneja, a graduate from the Sanskrit University of Kurukshetra, is a well-known Vedic scholar and a devotee of Lord Krishna. She is the author of numerous books and has also recorded several series of lectures on religion, philosophy, the Bhagavad Geeta, the secret powers of mantra, the mysteries of mind and body, and the science of yoga & meditation. Her monumental books The Legacy of Yoga in Bhagavad Geeta and Hinduism: Scriptures and Practices have made a powerful impact upon readers in the western literary world and are required texts in religious studies courses at St. Mary’s College (Moraga, California) and at Yuba College (Marysville, California). She is recognized for the depth of her sincere devotion and selfless service to humanity. Many testify that her inspirational teachings have transformed their lives.
To learn more about Prabha Duneja go here:
Meditation with the sound of Aum has been highly glorified in Vedas. This mystic syllable is known as the Beeja Mantra — the primordial sound heard by the Vedic sages in deep meditation at a specific level of yogic unity in transcendence. This sound from Brahma-nada wraps the entire creation. The great mother Gayatri has been revealed from the holy syllable Aum and from Gayatri has been revealed the knowledge of the Vedas. The sound energy of the holy syllable Aum is a connecting link to the entire universe, as well as to the deepest mysteries of the Supreme-Self.

To learn more about Prabha Duneja go here:

Meditation with the sound of Aum has been highly glorified in Vedas. This mystic syllable is known as the beeja Mantra — the primordial sound heard by the Vedic sages in deep meditation at a specific level of yogic unity in transcendence. This sound from Brahma-nada wraps the entire creation. The great mother Gayatri has been revealed from the holy syllable Aum and from Gayatri has been revealed the knowledge of the Vedas. The sound energy of the holy syllable Aum is a connecting link to the entire universe, as well as to the deepest mysteries of the Supreme-Self.

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