The Science of Oil Pulling


Woman using mouthwash

On week 5 we are sharing a post on Oil Pulling. I personally have used Oil Pulling for about forty years with great results. I learned from one of my mentors Dr Bernard Jensen he was into detoxing and maintaining a self routine of cleansing from inside out, and he knew that Oil Pulling is a great way to accomplish both. I have experienced outstanding results not only for mouth health, in addition to lymphatic drainage and I can tell the difference right away. Our intention is for everyone that reads the post to benefit from this amazing procedure.

Oil pulling originated in India appearing in the early Ayurvedic medicine texts ( better known as traditional Indian Medicine ), and is highly used as alternative medicine concepts known as Charaka Samhita. This ancient Ayurvedic remedy is designed for overall wellbeing and is such a simple practice that gives remarkable results, I have used it for many years with outstanding health improvements not to mention my teeth love it, from Oral successes to lymphatic clearing and many health over comings, I wish you health, happiness and Ideal abundance finds you and yours, please share with others and don’t forget to like if you do.



Oil Pulling

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola



Ancient Ayurveda texts tell us that oil pulling may solve about 30 systemic health issues and today, it’s discussed widely as a very efficient tool for detoxification of your whole body. When is used in your mouth, oil pulling does have significant cleansing and healing effects, and now are backed up by science.

Personally, this technique has significantly reduced plaque buildup, overall dental wellness and a sense of wellbeing on my self. As reported by the Indian Journal of Dental Research:

“If you take a look at the research, it’s easy to understand why:

  • Oil pulling is proved to reduced counts of Streptococcus mutans bacteria – a significant contributor to tooth decay – in the plaque and saliva. Researchers concluded, “Oil pulling can be used as an very effective preventive in maintaining and improving oral health.”
  • Oil pulling significantly reduced plaque, improved gum health, and reduced aerobic microorganisms in plaque among adults and teenagers tested with plaque-induced gingivitis also.
  • Oil pulling is as effective as mouthwash improving bad breath and reducing the microorganisms that cause it.
  • Oil pulling got great benefits for your mouth, in part, via its mechanical cleaning action. Researchers noted, “The myth that the effect of oil-pulling therapy on oral health was just a placebo effect has been broken and there are very clear indications of possible saponification and emulsification process, which enhances its mechanical cleaning action.”I personally experienced amazing results with Oil Pulling my self.


Oil pulling-science


Oil Pulling


The common belief is that the therapeutic effects and the science of oil pulling are the effects caused by the absorption of toxins and chemicals through blood vessels in the mouth and tongue, as well as sublingual/transmucosal absorption of the fatty acids in the oils used for pulling so far still the main believe.

A theory on oil pulling science is

Oil is nonpolar and attracts nonpolar molecules. This is due to the arrangement or geometry of the atoms in some molecules is such that one end of the molecule has a positive electrical charge and the other side has a negative charge. When this is the case, the molecule is called a polar molecule, which means that it has electrical poles. Otherwise, it is called a non-polar molecule. As molecules are polar or non-polar will determine if they will mix to form a solution or that they don’t mix well together.

Saliva is secreted into the mouth when the oil is repeatedly swished and pulled is mainly water, electrolytes, digestive enzymes, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral agents, and is mainly polar and therefore attracts polar molecules.

It is this heterogeneous mixture that by working together rids the mouth and body of unwanted toxins and chemicals.

The most common way for substances to migrate from blood to saliva is believed to be by the unaided, or passive, diffusion. The many capillaries surrounding the salivary glands are quite porous for many substances. Many materials can pass from the blood system into the space surrounding the glands, and then make their way directly through the membranes of acinus or duct cells as a consequence. The ability of a molecule to diffuse passively through the cell membranes depends partly on its size, and then partly on how much electrical charge it carries. If a molecule is of a polar nature, or if it separates into charged ions while in a solution, it will have a hard time passing through the membranes, which are made out of neutral fatty compounds called phospholipids. In the other hand, Steroid hormones are relatively small in size, and most of them are fatty, non-polar compounds, so consequently they tend to pass through relatively easily by diffusion. On the other hand molecules such as the large protein hormones, or hormones or drugs that are bound to large carrier proteins while in the bloodstream, are too big to enter by through this route.
There is a second pathway used by molecules to enter saliva and is by filtering through the tight spaces between acinus or duct cells. In order to do this, they must be relatively small. Sulfated steroids such as dehydro-epiandrosterone sulfate and estriol sulfate, are not able to pass through the fatty cell walls because of their electrical charges and are believed to enter principally by the filtration route. Some Compounds such as DHEA-S are much slower to migrate into saliva than the neutral steroid hormones, and when saliva output is stimulated they may move too slowly to keep up with the rapid flow rates, causing concentrations in saliva to drop.

Blood components can also gain entry into saliva from the outflow of the serum-like gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from the gums, or from small injuries or burns that had occurred in the mouth. GCF is believed to be a major route by which certain molecules,  would ordinarily be too large to pass by either diffusion or filtration, can find their way from serum into saliva efficiently.

The fourth pathway for the entry of a substance into saliva is by the active transport through the secretory cells of the glands, which is the route used by secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA). Polymeric IgA is secreted by B-lymphocyte cells close to the salivary cells, then they proceed to bound and get transported across the cells by a Polymeric Immunoglobulin Receptor, and finally released into salivary secretions. It has been shown that secretion of SIgA is increased by the nervous stimulation of the saliva glands, but the exact manner in which the transport is accelerated is not yet well understood. There must be an upper limit to the speed of transport since SIgA concentrations in saliva are known to decrease as saliva flow is stimulated.

Also, these pathways can give entry to various bacteria and viruses that have the appropriate electrical charges by that causing many challenges.

The other theory that for understanding oil pulling is not quite as scientific, but much more eastern in thinking.

As described above. The polar and nonpolar molecules of the heterogeneous mixture (saliva and oil) are very effective at removing the toxins and various chemicals with the corresponding electrical charges when they’re being pulled.

Acupuncture makes you aware of the many points on acupuncture meridians that become congested and blocked from improper food, bacteria and environmental toxins which our bodies consistently absorb. The tongue has a very important role in the function of most of the organs and biochemical reactions taking place in the body.

It is the theory that by removing the toxins and various microbes from the tongue we free the congestion and blockages from the important meridian pathways that interconnect our many organs that is where the personal custom of brushing your tongue is so beneficial in combination with oil pulling.

Scientific Studies on Oil Pulling

The Indian Journal of Dental Research found that when compared with mouthwash, swishing with sesame oil or coconut oil reduced plaque, modified gingival scores, and lowered microorganisms in the plaque of adolescents with plaque-induced gingivitis I personally like to switch the oils some periods of time I switch with Organic Sesame Oil and some periods I switch with Organic Coconut Oil. In 2014 a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research found that oil pulling with sesame oil helped in reducing bad breath and the microbes causing it just as much as using a chlorhexidine treatment. A 2011 study published in the Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry found oil pulling to be as effective as chlorhexidine in the treatment of bad breath and gum deterioration.

A 2007 study looking into the effect of oil pulling (with coconut oil) on plaque and gingivitis on oral soft and hard tissues. Results found that after 45 days of oil pulling, subjects showed a statistically significant reduction in gingivitis.

Another study, conducted in 2008 found a “remarkable reduction in the total amount count of harmful bacteria” in the mouth and a very large overall marked reduction in susceptibility to dental cavities. The antibacterial activity of sesame oil also has been studied and found to have an effect on the Streptococcus mutans in the mouth.

In fact, these studies showed an overall reduction of harmful bacteria from 10 to 33.4% and more in participants, and after 40 days of oil-pulling, participants were found to show 20% to 40% in average reduction in harmful oral bacteria. Moreover, half of all participants in this case study showed a drastic reduction in susceptibility to dental cavities.


How To Oil Pull





First Step:


Is best done first thing in the morning on always on an empty stomach and before drinking any liquids including water, and definitely no eating,  place a 1/2 teaspoon of  sesame oil or coconut oil into your mouth keep it in mind to leave room for the saliva that will mix with the oil when switching it will add to the amount of oil you place in your mouth, you need room to switch without gagging , here be your own judge,  Children can also do this with less quantity of oil provided they have control and practice not to swallow the oil.


Second Step:

Swish the oil around in your mouth without swallowing start slowly. Move it around in your mouth and through your teeth, as if it was mouthwash make sure not to tilt your head back or forward so the mixture doesn’t go to the wrong place, like through your nose or swallow the oil. You’ll find that the oil will start to get watery as your saliva mixes with it. Keep swishing. If your jaw muscles get sore while swishing, you’re doing it with to much force relax, I divide the switching into sections like the front, and sides, of the mouth that way I make sure I cover all the areas. Relax your jaw muscles when you do this with ease, you’ll feel very comfortable with the process and it will get easier and easier with practice.

Is no need to focus on doing it right just relax. Do it with very natural movement. Do this gently, not vigorously, in a relaxed way for about 20 minutes. You can start with 5 to 10 minutes and increase the time as you go along, I determine the amount of time with the particular challenge that I wish to address, if I have pain anywhere in my body I do short times throughout the day  (away from the times of eating and drinking) so I don’t give my body more to do when is in a challenge state, and then I start increasing the time, Oil Pulling works with the Lymphatic system so I don’t want to overload it if I am not feeling well, for daily maintenance I switch for about 10 to 15 minutes soon as I get up when I am doing chores around the house sometimes I take a shower also and then brush my tong afterwards, I learned early into the practice not to bend forward or backwards when switching oil, so you don’t swallow the oil or gets in your nose, is not much fun when that happens.
If you have the unbearable urge to swallow and If it becomes too unpleasant, spit out the mixture of the oil and try again, and do so in the toilet don’t spit it out in your sinks it can cause problems with your pipes!. It can be a bit unpleasant at first when you’re not used to it, but soon it won’t be bothersome at all, just like brushing your teeth but with full body benefits!.
When the oil has become saturated with the toxins it has pulled out, it will become a whitish, thinner, milky consistency, depending on the type of oil used it will be more or less. Each time you oil pull, it can take a different amount of time to get to that point, so 20 minutes is a general rule of thumb, but you can experiment with this and do longer if you wish.

 For longer and deeper switching If you spit out before 20 minutes. start again, the process is to make the oil swish enough time in your mouth so that it becomes a white milky substance which is an indication of completion, like I said before is up to your discretion of what results from it you wish to accomplish.


Third Step:


As the end of the oil pulling session, proceed to rinse the mouth with warm salt water.  Salt water rinsing isn’t absolutely necessary but is very helpful as an antimicrobial and to soothe any inflammation and proven to be effective in rinsing out any toxins which may be left out in the mouth you be the judge.

You can do the oil pulling every morning if you like, or several times a week. Because oil pulling can be detoxifying, you might want to take a break and pace your self I take a month off and come back to it. One immediate benefit everyone gets is whiter teeth, clean mouth, and overall great feeling. There’s no rule about frequency – judge according to your own experience, the recommendation is to do it away from mealtimes at least an hour before an hour after due to the fact that you don’t want to inter fear with digestion by pulling the blood away from any of the digestive organs


What Does Oil Pulling Do?




Multiple scientific studies are showing the efficacy of oil pulling therapy. One study shows that oil pulling with sesame oil can boost overall oral health. Specifically, using sesame oil as an oral health agent helps to reduce the amount of S. mutans (germs) count in both teeth plaque and mouth saliva. Scientists believe that the lipids in the oil both pull out bacteria, as well as stop bacteria from sticking to the walls of the oral cavity so as you can see it has multiple benefits make sure you use organic oils.

Bacteria and these types of toxins have a lipid membrane, and they are ATTRACTED to other oils. (They are repelled by water.)

Oil pulling may also increase saponification in the mouth, creating a soapy environment that cleanses the mouth as vegetable fat is an emulsifier by nature. Most interesting is perhaps the ability of the oil to cleanse out harmful bacteria, as well as reduce fungal overgrowth. These oils also possibly help in cellular restructuring, and are related to the proper functioning of the lymph nodes and other internal organs, as you see is a very powerful system.

Other benefits of oil pulling for oral health include:

  • Overall strengthening of the teeth and gums and jaws
  • Prevention of diseases of the gums and mouth, such as cavities and gingivitis
  • Prevention for bad breath
  • Potential holistic solution for bleeding gums
  • Prevention of dryness of the lips, mouth, and throat
  • Holistic help for TMJ and general soreness in the jaw area


The connection between oral health and overall health

Organ and teeth chart


According to  Oil

Scientists at the 87th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research have reported new studies connecting oral diseases with systemic diseases and by now are many more facts and proof of the mentioned relationship. A recurring theme is a relationship between periodontal (gum) disease and infant prematurity, diabetes, or stroke.  Over the years oil pulling users all over the world are contributing enough evidence that by oil pulling they were getting benefit in their overall wellbeing and I can testify to that.

Your mouth normally has quite a large teeming with bacteria. Usually, you can keep these bacteria under control with good oral health care, such as daily brushing, flossing and dental cleaning by a professional and being aware what foods you consume. Saliva also is a key defense against bacteria and viruses. It contains enzymes that destroy bacteria in many different ways. But harmful bacteria can sometimes grow out of control and lead to periodontitis, a serious gum deterioration especially if it is a disbalance in the PH.

When your gums are healthy, bacteria in your mouth usually don’t enter your bloodstream. However, gum disease may provide bacteria a port of entry into your bloodstream. Sometimes invasive dental treatments also can allow bacteria to enter your bloodstream. And medications or treatments that reduce saliva flow or disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in your mouth also may lead to oral changes, making it easier for bacteria to enter your bloodstream. Some researchers believe that these bacteria and inflammation from your mouth are linked to many health problems in the rest of your body.

If you look at the above teeth chart you can see how teeth are connected to every organ.


Benefits of Oil Pulling Beyond the Mouth


From:  and

Ancient Ayurvedic health practitioners believed that oil pulling could reduce more than just health challenges of the mouth and throat. Today, many holistic practitioners recommend the use for a variety of overall concerns.

It is believed that these oils help the lymphatic system of the body as harmful bacteria are removed and beneficial microflora are given the ground for a healthy environment to flourish. Because of this holistic perspective, oil pulling has been used as a preventative health measure for many other conditions.

Many holistic practitioners tribute other benefits of oil pulling. It is believed that oil pulling stimulates the lymphatic system and aids in the transport of toxins away from vital organs. The reported benefits of oil pulling include:

Teeth whitening
Clear skin
Improves digestion
Weight loss
Promotes normal sleep patterns
Helps kidney and liver function
Migraine headache relief
Correcting hormone imbalances
Reducing inflammation
Aids in the reduction of eczema
May reduce symptoms of bronchitis
Helps support normal kidney function
May help reduce sinus congestion
Some people report improved vision
Reduced hangover after alcohol consumption
Aids in reducing pain
Reduces the symptoms of allergies
Helps detoxify the body of harmful metals and organisms among other benefits



Sesame Seed Oil


Sesame seeds . Selective focus



Sesame oil has been used as a healing oil for thousands of years. Sesame oil is mentioned in the Vedas, (the Vedas is a large body of texts originating in ancient India) as excellent for humans. It is naturally antibacterial for common skin pathogens, such as staphylococcus and streptococcus as well as common skin fungi, such as athlete’s foot fungus. It is naturally antiviral. It is a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

Research shows that sesame seed oil is a potent antioxidant. In the tissues beneath the skin, this oil will neutralize oxygen radicals. It penetrates into the skin quickly and enters the blood stream through the capillaries. Molecules of sesame seed oil maintain good cholesterol (HDL) and lower not so good cholesterol (LDL).

In an experiment at the Maharishi International College in Fairfield, Iowa, students rinsed their mouths with sesame oil, resulting in an 85% reduction in the bacteria which causes gingivitis.

Internally, the oil molecules attract oil soluble toxins and carry them into the blood stream and then out of the body as waste.

Sesame seed oil absorbs quickly and penetrates through the tissues to the very marrow of the bone. It enters the blood stream through the capillaries and circulates. The liver does not sweep sesame seed oil molecules from the blood, accepting those molecules as friendly.

Sesame seed oil helps joints keep their flexibility. It keeps the skin supple and soft. It heals and protects areas of mild scrapes, cuts and abrasions. It helps tighten facial skin, particularly around the nose, controlling the usual enlargement of pores as skin ages chronologically.


Coconut oil


Coconut oil on a bamboo mat




Coconut oil is a familiar taste for many people. It has a cooler energy than sesame oil, so it’s good for people who tend to have a warmer constitution or condition of heat. Some people have reported that coconut oil is more strongly detoxifying, which isn’t always a good thing for some people, so it’s best to be cautious and go slowly when having a high toxic or infectious condition.


Coconut oil has antibacterial and anti-viral activity that makes it especially well suited for oral health. In fact, coconut oil mixed with baking soda makes for a very simple and inexpensive, yet effective, toothpaste and research suggests it may be a valuable tool for fighting tooth decay.

Researchers at the Athlone Institute of Technology’s Bioscience Research Institute in Ireland tested the antibacterial action of coconut oil in its natural state and coconut oil that had been treated with enzymes, in a process similar to digestion.

The oils were tested against strains of Streptococcus bacteria, which are common inhabitants of your mouth. They found that enzyme-modified coconut oil strongly inhibits the growth of most strains of Streptococcus bacteria, including Streptococcus mutans, an acid-producing bacterium that is a major cause of tooth decay.

It is thought that the breaking down of the fatty coconut oil by the enzymes turns it into acids, which are toxic to certain bacteria.7 Enzyme-modified coconut oil was also harmful to the yeast Candida albicans, which can cause thrush. So when oil pulling is combined with the antimicrobial power of coconut oil, I believe it can be a very powerful health tool.


Oil pulling common questions:





Q: Is it necessary to use cold-pressed, unrefined oil? I am seeing only refined oil in the stores Can I buy refined oil for oil pulling?
It is recommended that organic, unrefined, cold-pressed oils with the life force of the core substances in that oil are intact. Use the best quality you can get —unrefined, cold-pressed, which will not contain harmful ingredients residues.
If you have access to only refined oil, start with sesame oil.

Q: Which oils shall be avoided for oil pulling method?
Avoid all poor quality oils that you wouldn’t want to eat. Those include corn oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil and soy oil, and those that go rancid very quickly such as flax oil.

Q: In most stores, I am only seeing expeller pressed oils, but not cold pressed. What is your recommendation?
Cold-pressed, or expeller-pressed oil is just a better quality oil that doesn’t contain harmful chemical residues, and is better nutritionally. Refined oils are high heated which damages the quality to some degree,you can always order a good oil on line Amazon carries a great selection of them.
The expulsion process used for expeller pressed oils does generate a certain amount of heat, depending on the type of seed or nut and how much pressure it takes to get the oil out of it. But this is very low compared to the high heat method used for refined oils. Look for a brand of oil with unrefined,Coconut or sesame oil.

Q: Can we use toasted oils for oil pulling?
Try to avoid toasted oils, as the high heat damages them.

Q: Should I brush before Oil pulling?
No, there’s no need to. It’s important to brush after oil pulling and clean the mouth thoroughly after toxins are drawn out with salt and water or warm water with baking soda as explained before.

Q: When oil becomes white after 5 min? 10 min? 15 min?
There’s no rule of thumb different oils will behave differently, so don’t pay much attention to when the oil becomes white relax and switch.

Q: I was only able to do it for about few minutes, Is it normal?
It is very common for many. Because we are not tuned to have oil in our mouth and for the first few times there would be some different feeling that is all the importance is in the consistency of doing your switching. But please note you would be amazed by how quickly you can get used to it! It helps if you think about keeping the oil around your teeth and not toward the back of your mouth. Keeping the head tilted down a bit can help with that. Five minutes may be all you need, but you may also be able to increase the time because it will become more comfortable. Experiment and you’ll find out what works best for you.

Q: I can’t help swallowing a little during OP. Is that harmful?
If you need to swallow a bit during oil pulling, the toxins being drawn out can usually be handled by the digestive system and eliminated properly try not to make it a habit, you have plenty control of your swallowing ability or you would have drawn    or choke many times already. When you feel the urge to swallow, just spit the whole thing and restart.Practice makes perfect.

Q: I could only do OP for a few minutes, as my mouth was getting tired?
You’re probably doing it too vigorously. Just Relax and do the swishing in a more relaxed way.You can make the process fun just think on how much you are helping your system to a star of supreme wellbeing!!

Q: Reasons for doing oil pulling on empty stomach.
First, it helps not to have a full stomach if you get a little queasy from the oil pulling experience before you get used to it. Second, the detoxifying effect is a bit stimulating, whereas digestion involves the parasympathetic nervous system, so those are opposite functions. Eating something light may not be a problem, and you can judge by how you feel. If you can oil pull first thing in the morning, that takes care of that problem. We can all go without eating for at least 20 minutes a day don’t you think?

Q: After oil pulling it never turns in to white.
The idea is , The viscosity and color should change significantly, but the color depends on so many factors, and can even be slightly different each time. A milky or creamy color is fine. It works regardless just don’t switch for less than 5 minutes witch is a small time to start anyway.

The Benefits of Tongue Cleansing


From The Chopra Center 

The ancient Ayurvedic recommendation of tongue scraping is one that is often overlooked. There are many benefits to this daily practice as far as oral health, and overall physical, mental, and spiritual health. Since the oral cavity is one of the main gateways between your mind/body and the environment, maintaining the health of this connection is critical to general well-being.

In the Charaka Samhita, an early Ayurvedic text, it says that by cleaning the tongue, “(this) removes foul smell, tastelessness … and by taking out dirt coated on the tongue, teeth and mouth brings relish immediately.” No doubt, people who clean their tongue on a daily basis can validate the invigorating effects this practice has. In fact, by removing the coating and stimulating the tongue this helps to balance the heavy and dulling qualities of Kapha dosha in your physiology.

Scraping the tongue daily removes any build-up on the tongue, which, if left untreated, can lead to bad breath and may house a significant number of bacteria. This simple practice is a direct way of removing Ama from your physiology. In Ayurveda, Ama refers to any accumulation of toxic residue in the mind-body. This can result from improper eating, poor digestion, or a reflection of an imbalance somewhere in the gastrointestinal system.

In addition, from an Ayurvedic perspective, by removing this coating you improve your ability to taste your food, which makes it more satisfying. By increasing your taste reception, not only do you eat less, you also eliminate the need to add more sugar, salt, or excessive spice to the food to make it more flavorful. Many of the beneficial phytonutrients and “body signals” that your food contains are first interpreted by the mind-body upon contact with receptors on the tongue. You want to improve this communication between your food and your body by removing any coating that is interfering with that connection. Also, many herbs have their beneficial effects from the initial contact with receptors on the tongue. Hence, you need a clear tongue to receive this healthy information.

Keratin Balance

Western medicine is also beginning to acknowledge coating on the tongue as a sign of poor health. According to the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (AAOMP), a coated or hairy tongue is a sign of imbalance of keratin on the tongue. Under normal circumstances, the amount of keratin produced, and the amount that is “knocked off” by eating, is balanced. When the diet is too soft or the oral cavity is irritated in some way keratin can accumulate. When bacteria grow on this layer of keratin, it can lead to discoloration of the coating, which many people notice.

It’s easy to see how a healthy diet that consists of plant roughage and fiber, and where food is not overcooked or too soft, will help maintain this balance. It’s therefore important to get healthy “textured” food in your diet, such as fiber from fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, as well as nuts and seeds. While the AAOMP does recommend tongue scraping to address this issue, they also regard the coating as “harmless.” However, when you incorporate an Ayurvedic view of health into this picture, you have an increased awareness of how this coating can ultimately affect many aspects of your physical and emotional well-being.

What Kind of Tongue Scraper to Use

The Charaka Samhita states that “tongue scrapers should be made of gold, silver, copper, tin, and brass and should be non-sharp and curved, so as not to injure the tongue”. Stainless steel scrapers, which are now widely available and resist corrosion, are effective as well.

How to Scrape Your Tongue

The tongue should be gently scraped from back to front for 7 to 14 strokes. The scraper may be rinsed off between strokes if there is a lot of accumulation. Some people report stimulation of the gag reflex during scraping, which may indicate that the scraping is too aggressive. If this occurs with gentle scraping, begin slightly more forward on the tongue to avoid the gagging reflex.

A Daily Practice

From an Ayurvedic perspective, tongue scraping should be performed on a daily basis. This ancient practice helps to stimulate the internal organs through energetic connections with the rest of the body, improve digestion by increasing your sense of taste, and cleanse the body by removing Ama and bacteria from your oral cavity. In addition, it increases clarity of the mind by reducing heaviness and Ama from the head. When your physical and emotional bodies are balanced, it allows you to expand your spiritual awakening as well.

The tongue is the mirror to all the organs of the body, and thus, a daily look at the tongue prior to scraping gives you a clue to your general health. In Ayurveda, a good tongue examination is a useful way of evaluating the health of the entire body. When you examine your tongue, it’s an opportunity for self-awareness, where you can reflect on the choices of the last several days, months, or years and see how those choices have affected your health. If a thick coating is noted, you are accumulating toxicity. By noting this, it gives you the opportunity to become more self-aware and make new, healthier choices.


Coconut Oil Pulling Chews

Coconut oil pulling chews


An easier way:

The other day when making coconut oil chocolates in little heart molds, I realized that I could simplify the oil pulling process by making pre-made, bit-size oil pulling chews, and that worked out great.

The result was simple-to-use pre-mixed oil pulling chews. I keep these in the fridge so they maintain their shape and also so that they are cool when I use them since it helps with the texture at the beginning, with the oils the texture becomes secondary.


1/2 cup coconut oil

20-30 drops of essential oil (peppermint, cinnamon, clove, etc- check with a doc or midwife if you are pregnant)


Melt the coconut oil until just barely liquid in a double boiler at low flame, it melts very quickly make sure not to boil it.

Remove from heat and add essential oils if you choose to use any when cooling down.

Pour into silicon candy molds and put in the fridge or freezer to harden.

When done, remove from molds and store in a jar.

Use one per day as needed for oil pulling

And Happy oil pulling !!.




Words From The Experts




















Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying and Healing the Body Through Oral Cleansing


If you have bad breath, bleeding gums, cavities, or tooth pain—you need this book! If you suffer from asthma, diabetes, arthritis, migraine headaches, or any chronic illness, and have not found relief, this book could have the solution you need. All disease starts in the mouth! As incredible as it may seem, most of the chronic and infectious illnesses that trouble our society today are influenced by the healthy of our mouths. Our mouths are a reflection of the health inside our bodies. If you have poor dental health, you are bound to have other health problems. Despite regular brushing and flossing, over 90 percent of the population has some degree of gum disease or tooth decay. Most people aren’t even aware they have existing dental problems. Recent research has demonstrated a direct link between oral health and chronic illness. Simply improving the health of your teeth and gums can cure many chronic problems. More brushing, flossing, and mouthwash isn’t the solution. What will work is Oil Pulling Therapy. Oil pulling is an age-old method of oral cleansing originating from Ayurvedic medicine. It is one of the most powerful, most effective methods of detoxification and healing in natural medicine. In this book, Dr. Fife combines the wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine with modern science. The science behind oil pulling is fully documented with references to medical studies and case histories. Although incredibly powerful, Oil Pulling Therapy is completely safe and simple enough for even a child.





Oil Pulling Revolution: The Natural Approach to Dental Care, Whole-Body Detoxification and Disease Prevention

Holding and swishing organic oil in your mouth is an amazingly simple yet powerful technique for cleaning your teeth and detoxing the entire body. The Oil-Pulling Revolution combines ancient teachings and modern techniques to incorporate this healthy habit into your daily routine. Using the tips and instructions provided here you can: 

•Remove harmful bacteria
•Eliminate cavities
•Reduce plaque
•Whiten teeth
•Freshen breath

Beyond dental care, this book details how oil pulling benefits your entire body for glowing skin, more energy, improved heart health, fewer migraines and a healthier overall lifestyle.













Hello and welcome to I-RAMA post 4  we would like to thank you all for all the support and love that we receive from all of you without it we won’t be here.

This week we are sharing information on Baking soda. I personally use Baking Soda for cleaning, beauty products, for our pets and so much more and as you will see in this post you can also enjoy the benefits of this wonderful product, please like and share that is what keeps our site going, thank you once again for your support from all of us at I-RAMA

We would like to remind you to use common sense when you use Baking Soda always consult your health practitioner when in doubt we are only sharing information from authorities in the matter but in no way we are prescribing.

 Baking Soda


John Dwight and his brother in law DR Austin Church In 1846 founded the company Church and Dwight Co., Inc, the manufacturers of ARM & Hammer trademark, Baking Soda.

They used Trona, (Soda ash) out of the ground and they turned into Sodium Bicarbonate for the use of both inside and outside the house. Baking Soda is a staple in many homes for baking and cleaning purposes and nowadays for many other uses. It rates right up there with hydrogen peroxide and vinegar as one of the most inexpensive and safe tools around (you can buy an entire box of baking soda for about $1), so it makes sense to learn all you can about the many, many uses of baking soda.

Let’s look at Brief Baking Soda History


In its natural form, baking soda is known as Nahcolite, which is part of the natural mineral Natron. Natron, which contains large amounts of sodium bicarbonate, has been used since ancient times. For instance, the Egyptians used natron as a soap for cleansing purposes. Later, reports throughout history suggest that many civilizations used forms of baking soda in the kitchen when making bread and other foods that required rising.

Dr. Austin Church and John Dwight began to manufacture and sell the compound we know as baking soda today. By the early 1860s, baking soda was featured in published cookbooks across the board, and in the 1930s was widely advertised as a “proven medicinal agent.” In 1972, the idea to keep a box of baking soda in your fridge to keep food fresh was born, and it really caught on in most households.

Baking soda was popularized by Arm & Hammer more than 150 years ago, and while many are aware of its versatile qualities for cooking and household use, few people realize that baking soda also has potent alternative medicinal properties.



3500 BC:  The Ancient Egyptians use natron (mainly comprised of sodium carbonate) soap-like as a cleaning agent. They also use it to on mummies.

1843: TheBrtish Chemist Alfred Bird, makes the first version of baking powder to help out his wife, who was allergic to yeast products.

1846: Is when Arm & Hammer brand is created. The well-known logo that exists today represents Vulcan, the Roman god of fire and metalworking –is not introduced until 1867.

1924: The beginning of its use to treat & prevent the cold & flu virus.

1927: National magazines like Good Housekeeping and McCall’s begin promoting the use of baking soda at home.

1970: Arm & Hammer is the sole sponsor of the very first Earth Day. Baking soda gains attention as an eco-friendly alternative to chemical cleaners.
1972: A new use for baking soda receives widespread recognition – Americans begin placing a box of baking soda in their refrigerators to keep food fresh and the refrigerator free of unpleasant odors.
1986: To celebrate the Statue of Liberty’s 100th birthday, its inner copper walls are cleaned and restored with baking soda, which removed 99 years of grime and left the copper undamaged and fully clean.
2000: Kids use Baking Soda for school science experiments at all the schools.


What Is Baking Soda?



Baking soda is known as sodium bicarbonate, a natural substance that one of the many attributes is to help regulate pH. This action regulates  PH by keeping a substance from becoming too acidic or too alkaline, which is of great importance in maintaining health. When baking soda contacts another substance, it naturally neutralizes the pH of the subject and prevents further imbalance and buffers the pH. This action of baking soda is able to neutralize odors, remove stains, detox the body and eliminate an infection.

While baking soda is a particularly effective in helping your overall wellness, it should also be mentioned that the substance can deplete the body of essential vitamins and minerals, particularly B vitamins, folic acid, and chromium when is overused, like anything less is more is always good to use common sense. Baking soda is best used for short periods of time in conjunction with other nutritional supports to prevent nutritional imbalances and always consult your health practitioner.



The Difference Between Baking Soda and Baking Powder



Here is where the subject can get a little confusing–since baking soda and baking powder are both white, powdery substances that we use in baking. But there IS a difference:

Baking soda is 100% sodium bicarbonate. It comes from soda ash, which can also be made synthetically or collected from natural sources.  For the most part, recipes that call for baking soda also require some sort of acid, which helps to increase the leavening process and helps remove the slightly bitter taste that baking soda sometimes contributes to recipes.

On the other hand, Baking powder does contain some sodium bicarbonate and also has other ingredients that act as acidifying agents. As a result, this means that you don’t have to add extra acid to your recipes to get the leavening action. The acidifying agents can come in the form of cream of tartar or an aluminum-based acid which is best to avoid. I always make sure that the products are aluminum free.



Benefits of Sodium Bicarbonate


Sodium Bicarbonate has a natural pH neutralizing effects, baking soda serves a variety of purposes also. The compound is effective in reducing pain due to the fact that pain is acid, eliminating infection also acid and treating inflammation once again acid.

For these reasons, sodium bicarbonate is used to treat a variety of challenges. Like acne, allergies, canker sores, fungus infections body odors bacterial infections and more can successfully be helped using a baking soda regimen. Burns, bee stings, and cysts also respond well to the application of the product. Other conditions including fatigue, cough, congestion, flatulence, gout, gum deterioration and others disorders can also have a great benefit from the use of baking soda.

Even do baking soda is most likely an available product in most households, few individuals are aware of how many different ways the product can be used. Baking soda is a very effective helper for so many conditions and can be used to detox the body and eliminate toxicity safely, being the fact that most of the unhealthy issues are acid, and Baking Soda is Alkaline it creates a balance.

The fact that Baking soda is actually a naturally occurring, very versatile substance aside from being environment-friendly safe and is inexpensive is something to consider when having at the house. Not only is Baking Soda nontoxic but it is actually a food. That differentiates it from the commercial household products, it is safe around children and pets also.

Here we are sharing its use in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry, garage and so much more.




Some of the guidelines of Baking Soda


Here are three different uses


In a solution
In a paste
You will be amazed at what Baking soda gifts are


Used directly:

You can use Baking Soda by sprinkling it directly onto something or a sponge whatever you decide is a desirable applicator for you. So let’s be clear the in this case Baking Soda is used straight from the box as a powder form and not diluted with any other substance.


As a solution form:


A preferable ratio is 4 tablespoons of Baking Soda per each quart of warm water. this can be as diluted as you desire requires for your particular use.


Used as a paste:

To accomplish this process you have to add the desired amount of water for your purpose to mix either a soft fluid paste or a more dry form here is up to what you need the paste for.

Coconut Oil & Baking Soda Face Wash


1/2 Teaspoon of backing soda

1 Teaspoon of coconut oil

Mix together and apply to a dampened face, massage in circular motions, and remove the mixture off your face with a warm, wet washcloth.




Ways to Use Baking Soda



Natural Deodorant
If you want to avoid the parabens and aluminum found in many deodorants and antiperspirants, try a pinch of baking soda mixed with water instead. This simple paste makes an effective and simple natural deodorant. You can also simply brush some dry baking soda under your arms.


Coconut and organic coconut oil in a glass jar on white background.


Insect Bites and Poison Ivy
Apply a paste made of baking soda and water to insect bites to help relieve itching. You can also try rubbing the dry powder onto your skin. This is also effective for itchy rashes and poison ivy. Baking soda helps to relieve minor skin irritation and itching by neutralizing toxins and irritants on your skin’s surface.


Heartburn, Indigestion, and Ulcer Pain
Most over-the-counter antacids contain some form of bicarbonate. Baking soda works by immediately neutralizing stomach acid, helping to relieve heartburn, indigestion and even ulcer pain. I have personally recommended this to many, including family members, and have been surprised how remarkably effective it is.
Dosing is typically ½ teaspoon fully dissolved in a half a glass of water, taken every two hours (do not take more than seven ½ teaspoons in 24 hours, or three ½ teaspoons if you’re over 60).
This should only be used as an occasional (not chronic) treatment, however, and be careful not to consume excessive amounts, which can cause serious electrolyte and acid/base imbalances.

Foot Soak and Exfoliator
Add three tablespoons of baking soda to a tub of warm water for an invigorating foot soak. You can scrub your feet with a baking soda paste for additional exfoliation. A paste made from three parts of baking soda combined with one part water can be used as an exfoliator for your face and body, too.


Relaxing Soak
Baking soda and apple cider make a wonderful spa-like bath for soaking. It also cleans the tub and the drain, as a bonus!


Hand Cleanser
Mix three parts baking soda with one part of water to make a natural hand cleanser that will scrub away dirt and neutralize odors.


Splinter removal
Add a tablespoon of baking soda to a small glass of water, then soak the affected area twice a day. Many splinters will come out on their own after a couple of days using this treatment.


Sunburn Remedy
Add ½ cup of baking soda to lukewarm bathwater, then soak in the tub for natural relief. When you get out, let your skin air dry, rather than toweling off the excess baking soda, for extra relief. You can also add a mixture of baking soda and water to a cool compress and apply it to the sunburn directly.


Enhanced Sports Performance
Distance runners have long engaged in a practice known as “soda doping” — or taking baking soda capsules — before races to enhance performance, a measure that’s thought to work similarly to carbohydrate loading. It’s also been shown to improve speed among swimmers. While I don’t suggest you try this at home, it’s another example of baking soda benefits. Essentially, sodium bicarbonate is an alkali substance that increases the pH of the blood. This seems to reduce and offset the acidity produced in the muscles during intense, anaerobic exercise that produces lactic acid most quickly, such as fast running or swimming.”


Help Your Hair
Start by mixing 1 part baking soda with 3 parts water. With shoulder length hair mix about 2 to 3 tablespoon of baking soda with 3 times that amount of water in a small squeeze bottle. You can adjust this depending on your hair length.  Apply the baking soda and water mixture to dry or wet hair by starting at the roots and working to the ends.


Freshen Your Mouth
Put one teaspoon in half a glass of water, swish, spit and rinse. Odors are neutralized, not just covered up.


Soak Oral Appliance
Soak oral appliances, like retainers, mouthpieces and dentures, in a solution of 2 teaspoons baking soda dissolved in a glass or small bowl of warm water. The baking soda loosens food particles and neutralizes odors to keep appliances fresh. You can also brush appliances clean using baking soda.


Make a Hand Cleanser and Softener

Skip harsh soaps and gently scrub away ground-in dirt and neutralize odors on hands with a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water, or 3 parts baking soda to gentle liquid hand soap. Then rinse clean.


Clean Brushes and Combs
For lustrous hair with more shine, keep brushes and combs clean. Remove natural oil build-up and hair product residue by soaking combs and brushes in a solution of 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a small basin of warm water. Rinse and allow to dry.


Make a Bath Soak
Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your bath to neutralize acids on the skin and help wash away oil and perspiration, it also makes your skin feel very soft.


Soothe Your Feet
Dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda in a tub of warm water and soak feet. Gently scrub.


Make a Surface Soft Scrub
For safe, effective cleaning of bathroom tubs, tile and sinks–even fiberglass and glossy tiles–sprinkle baking soda lightly on a clean damp sponge and scrub as usual. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. For extra cleaning power, make a paste with baking soda, course salt and liquid dish soap—let it sit then scour off.


Handwash Dishes and Pots & Pans
Add 2 heaping tablespoons baking soda (along with your regular dish detergent) to the dish water to help cut grease and foods left on dishes, pots and pans. For cooked-on foods, let them soak in the baking soda and detergent with water first, then use dry baking soda on a clean damp sponge or cloth as a scratchless scouring powder.


Freshen Sponges
Soak stale-smelling sponges in a strong baking soda solution to get rid of the mess (4 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in 1 quart of warm water).


Polish Silver Flatware
Use a baking soda paste made with 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Rub onto the silver with a clean cloth or sponge. Rinse thoroughly and dry for shining sterling and silver-plate serving pieces.


Clean Coffee and Tea Pots
Remove coffee and tea stains and eliminate bitter off-tastes by washing mugs and coffee makers in a solution of 1/4 cup baking soda in 1 quart of warm water. For stubborn stains, try soaking overnight in the baking soda solution and detergent or scrubbing with baking soda on a clean damp sponge.


Clean the Oven
Sprinkle baking soda onto the bottom of the oven. Spray with water to dampen the baking soda. Let sit overnight. In the morning, scrub, scoop the baking soda and grime out with a sponge, or vacuum, and rinse.


Clean Floors
Remove dirt and grime (without unwanted scratch marks) from no wax and tile floors using 1/2 cup baking soda in a bucket of warm water–mop and rinse clean for a sparkling floor. For scuff marks, use baking soda on a clean damp sponge, then rinse.


Clean Furniture
You can make a homemade lemon furniture polish, or you can clean and remove marks (even crayon) from walls and painted furniture by applying baking soda to a damp sponge and rubbing lightly. Wipe off with a clean, dry cloth.


Clean Shower Curtains
Clean and deodorize your vinyl shower curtain by sprinkling baking soda directly on a clean damp sponge or brush. Scrub the shower curtain and rinse clean. Hang it up to dry.


Boost Your Liquid Laundry Detergent
Give your laundry a boost by adding 1/2 cup of baking soda to your laundry to make liquid detergent work harder. A better balance of pH in the wash gets clothes cleaner, fresher and brighter.


Gently Clean Baby Clothes
Baby skin requires the most gentle of cleansers, which are increasingly available, but odor and stain fighters are often harsh. For tough stains add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your liquid laundry detergent, or a 1/2 cup in the rinse cycle for deodorization.


Clean Cloth Diapers
Dissolve 1/2 cup of baking soda in 2 quarts of water and soak diapers thoroughly.


Clean and Freshen Sports Gear
Use a baking soda solution (4 tablespoons baking soda in 1 quart warm water) to clean and deodorize smelly sports equipment. Sprinkle baking soda into golf bags and gym bags to deodorize, clean golf irons (without scratching them!) with a baking soda paste (3 parts baking soda to 1 part water) and a brush. Rinse thoroughly.


Remove Oil and Grease Stains
Use baking soda to clean up light-duty oil and grease spills on your garage floor or in your driveway. Sprinkle baking soda on the spot and scrub with a wet brush.


Clean Batteries
Baking soda can be used to neutralize battery acid corrosion on cars, mowers, etc. because its a mild alkali. Be sure to disconnect the battery terminals before cleaning. Make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water, apply with a damp cloth to scrub corrosion from the battery terminal. After cleaning and re-connecting the terminals, wipe them with petroleum jelly to prevent future corrosion. Please be careful when working around a battery–they contain a strong acid.


Clean Cars
Use baking soda to clean your car lights, chrome, windows, tires, vinyl seats and floor mats without worrying about unwanted scratch marks. Use a baking soda solution of 1/4 cup baking soda in 1 quart of warm water. Apply with a sponge or soft cloth to remove road grime, tree sap, bugs and tar. For stubborn stains, use baking soda sprinkled on a damp sponge or soft brush.


Deodorize Your Refrigerator
Place an open box in the back of the fridge to neutralize odors.


Deodorize the Cutting Board
Sprinkle the cutting board with baking soda, scrub, rinse. For how to more thoroughly clean your cutting board.


Deodorize Trashcans
Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of your trashcan to keep stinky trash smells at bay.


Deodorize Recyclables
Sprinkle baking soda on top as you add to the container. Also, clean your recyclable container periodically by sprinkling baking soda on a damp sponge. Wipe clean and rinse.


Deodorize Drains
To deodorize your sink and tub drains, and keep lingering odors from resurfacing, pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain while running warm tap water–it will neutralize both acid and basic odors for a fresh drain.


Deodorize Lunch Boxes
Between uses, place a spill-proof box of baking soda in everyone’s lunch box to absorb lingering odors.


Remove Odor From Carpets
Liberally sprinkle baking soda on the carpet. Let set overnight, or as long as possible (the longer it sets the better it works). Sweep up the larger amounts of baking soda, and vacuum up the rest.


Remove Odor From Vacuum Cleaners
By using the method above for carpets, you will also deodorize your vacuum cleaner.


Freshen Closets
Place a box on the shelf to keep the closet smelling fresh.


Deodorizing Cars
Odors settle into car upholstery and carpet, so each time you step in and sit down, they are released into the air all over again. Eliminate these odors by sprinkling baking soda directly on fabric car seats and carpets. Wait 15 minutes (or longer for strong odors) and vacuum up the baking soda.


Deodorize the Cat Box
Cover the bottom of the pan with baking soda, then fill as usual with litter. To freshen between changes, sprinkle baking soda on top of the litter after a thorough cleaning.


Deodorize Pet Bedding
Eliminate odors from your pets bedding by sprinkling liberally with baking soda, wait 15 minutes (or longer for stronger odors), then vacuum up.


Deodorize Sneakers
Keep odors from spreading in smelly sneakers by shaking baking soda into them when not in use. Shake out before wearing. When they’re no longer wearable


Freshen Linens
Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the rinse cycle for fresher sheets and towels.


Deodorize Your Wash
Gym clothes of other odoriferous clothing can be neutralized with a 1/2 cup of baking soda in the rinse cycle.


Freshen Stuffed Animals
Keep favorite cuddly toys fresh with a dry shower of baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda on and let it sit for 15 minutes before brushing off.


Camping Help-all
Baking soda is a must-have for your next camping trip. Its a dish washer, pot scrubber, hand cleanser, deodorant, toothpaste, fire extinguisher and many other uses.


Septic Care
Regular use of baking soda in your drains can help keep your septic system flowing freely. One cup of baking soda per week will help maintain a favorable pH in your septic tank.


Fruit and Vegetable Scrub
Baking soda is the food safe way to clean dirt and residue off fresh fruit and vegetables. Just sprinkle a little on a clean damp sponge, scrub and rinse.


Extinguish Fires
Baking soda can help in the initial handling of minor grease or electrical kitchen fires, because when baking soda is heated, it gives off carbon dioxide, which helps to smother the flames. For small cooking fires (frying pans, broilers, ovens, grills), turn off the gas or electricity if you can safely do so. Stand back and throw handfuls of baking soda at the base of the flame to help put out the fire–and call the Fire Department just to be safe.


















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